en ambientes explosivos
de metales
El uso de agua a ultra presión (jet cutting) acompañada con abrasivo permite la realización de cortes de acero en frío y así trabajar en ambientes donde existe riesgo de explosividad. Debido a que el corte efectuado por el abrasivo se efectúa en medio acuoso se elimina cualquier riesgo de explosión.
Qué son
Los protocolos de preparación/ejecución de estos trabajos se realizan con total seguridad. Todo el proceso del corte se realiza de forma robotizada mediante un mando a distancia que neumáticamente acciona los motores del robot.
El robot y utensilios están soportados sobre una estructura específica que permite que ningún trabajador esté dentro del radio de acción. Esto reduce a cero los riesgos de corte y proyección de agua y abrasivo a ultra presión sobre la persona.
Características principales:
- Utilización de equipos de ultrapresión (UHP) de 2.500 Bar
- Robot teledirigido para realizar el corte
- Accesorios y depósito para poder proyectar la arena de corte.
- No existe un aumento significativo de la superficie cortada
- Corte en frío
- Especialmente indicado para atmósferas peligrosas
Ver más
Ventajas del hidrocorte
de metales
Trabajos de forma segura
Amplia experiencia
Ejecución según las mejores técnicas disponibles
Public Administrations
A market that requires constant maintenance work to operate correctly.
Automotive Industry
A market with tight requirements for execution times and quality: two of our company’s cornerstones.
Home Owners’ Associations and Individuals
We use modern, specialized equipment for all types of services and all types of customers.
Pharmaceutical industry
A sector that is highly modernized technologically, with demanding quality and safety expectations and requiring highly specialized solutions: a perfect match with Lagupres’s DNA.
Food Industry
A highly specialized and technologically modern sector with demanding quality requirements: a perfect target for Lagupres.
Energy Industry
A market where equipment performance is essential to earning maximum profit. We help to achieve the best result. We help to achieve the best result.
Naval Industry
The elimination of surface coatings, the elimination of rust and coatings on internal parts and the cleaning of ship holds, among others.
Paper Industry
The generation of paper pulp, the final finish of paper and cardboard cutting and folding are activities that generate a large amount of waste, where we can help.
Petrochemical Industry
This is the sector where we started and which has seen us grow, and it is where we have specialized, modernized technologically and differentiated ourselves.
Public Works
A market that can take advantage of the machinery and technical improvements developed in the petrochemical industry.
Steel Industry and Metal Processing Companies
A market with high-density residue that we can dry vacuum.
Public Administrations
A market that requires constant maintenance work to operate correctly.
Automotive Industry
A market with tight requirements for execution times and quality: two of our company’s cornerstones.
Home Owners’ Associations and Individuals
We use modern, specialized equipment for all types of services and all types of customers.
Pharmaceutical industry
A sector that is highly modernized technologically, with demanding quality and safety expectations and requiring highly specialized solutions: a perfect match with Lagupres’s DNA.
Food Industry
A highly specialized and technologically modern sector with demanding quality requirements: a perfect target for Lagupres.
Energy Industry
A market where equipment performance is essential to earning maximum profit. We help to achieve the best result. We help to achieve the best result.
Naval Industry
The elimination of surface coatings, the elimination of rust and coatings on internal parts and the cleaning of ship holds, among others.
Paper Industry
The generation of paper pulp, the final finish of paper and cardboard cutting and folding are activities that generate a large amount of waste, where we can help.
Petrochemical Industry
This is the sector where we started and which has seen us grow, and it is where we have specialized, modernized technologically and differentiated ourselves.
Public Works
A market that can take advantage of the machinery and technical improvements developed in the petrochemical industry.
Steel Industry and Metal Processing Companies
A market with high-density residue that we can dry vacuum.